Book Blurb:

Sam reads a section of an old
journal anonymously mailed to the Church, which purports to tell the life
story of a man with mind control and other special powers who claims to be
the descendant of the fallen angels cast out of heaven by God. He ponders
its relation to the case while using his legal and investigative skills to
establish the identity of the killer. As he learns more about the
mystery author, and Camille, he realizes that the journal has less to do
with the serial killer than an age-old battle for entry into heaven.
As things become even more clear, he sees that Camille’s own
history and purpose in hiring him are different than he ever could
have believed. In the end, the question is not only whether Sam can
find one killer and save one priest, but whether he will take part in
the trial of the ages.
Author Interview
What inspired you to write the book?
I began the book on New Years Eve of 2011 when I was
on vacation in Buenos Aires. A few days later we were in what is basically now
the resort town of Bariloche, in Patagonia. We drove outside town and through
this small village with an old, wooden cross sitting sort of at a dirt cross
roads. Later that day I wrote the first draft of what is now Chapter 4 of
Almost Mortal. That part is about the kids living in the poor part of Bariloche
in the fifties. Something about the cross made me think about the mystical side
of a village like that – especially how it would have been sixty years ago. So
these kids, and their magical, if you will, heritage, blended with the modern
day legal thriller I had been trying to start two days before. If you read
Almost Mortal, you’ll see what I mean.
When did you realise that you want to write a book?
I first realized I wanted to write a novel (or a TV
show) a long time ago. It took me a lot of practice since them. I hope it was
enough to have a chance.
Who helped you in writing the book and please say
about their contributions?
Lots and lots of people helped me with this and
other books. Ten years ago I started working with an editor in New York named
Peter Gelfan. It would not be an exaggeration to say that over time he taught
me how to write a novel. Whether any novel I write is any good is a different question,
though. Friends and family, my mother in particular, have helped me by reading
things for years. Now that I have begun to meet more people in the business, in
know other writers and screenwriters that help each other.
How is your book going to inspire the readers?
Not sure on this one. It’s not literature. This book
is meant to entertain. I think it would be a good pilot for a cable show or a
movie. But I think the book could get someone thinking about whether there is
really good and evil and whether some of our religious outlooks are clearly not
quite right. Of course, a lot of people already think this, but this could be an
interesting twist on it.
If you are given the chance to change one thing in your book
what would it be?
Maybe I should have made it longer instead of made
it a book one, book two kind of thing, but I think it will work out.
How do you find time to write and which part of the day is best
for writing for you?
I am a full time criminal defence lawyer so I have
to work in streaks and take long breaks. When it is on, I always do it at night
and on weekend stays. When really on, I do it constantly for a few days in a
row even when at work.
Which books have inspired you the most, in the journey of writing
this book?
Too many to write down really. Almost Mortal has a
front story and a back story. The front story is inspired by things like “The
Lincoln Lawyer”, the backstory is more like “Morality Play”. Its two totally
different styles.
What is the best advice, you would give for writers who are
trying to write a book?
Read a lot. Take notes when you see or hear
something interesting, and always look for odd things to notice. Most
importantly though, just keep doing it for fun because it sucks when you get
your feedback and realize you have to scrap a lot of what you thought was good.
You were wrong.
What are your hobbies?
Exercise, reading, marathon watching of cable shows.
What can we expect from you in the future?
Hopefully a sequel to Almost Mortal. Also have
another novel, finished years ago, that I will try to launch if Almost Mortal
does well.
About the Author:
Christopher Leibig is a novelist and criminal defence
lawyer who lives and works in Alexandria, Virginia. His first two
published books, Saving Saddam (a 2008 novel about the trial of
Saddam Hussein) and Montanamo (a 2010 novel about Guantanamo Bay
detainees being housed in a small Montana town’s prison) were published by
Artnik Books in London.
Saddam was re-released
in 2014 under its original American title, The Black Rabbit.
Chris also has several published short stories – Secret Admirer (The Cynic on-line magazine
2004) Coldcocked(Skyline magazine 2004), Fly (The Cynic
on-line magazine 2009), Intervention (Traveller’s Playground Press 2014),
and Paradise City (Traveller’s
Playground Press 2014). The
Black Rabbit, Montanamo, Intervention, and Paradise City are also available on audio book
by Audible. Chris has also published numerous articles on criminal defence
and related politics – including in the Huffington Post and The Examiner –
and appeared as a legal expert regularly since 2009 in print and
television media – including Fox News, CNN, The Washington Post, The New
York Times, and Sports Illustrated. In recent years Chris has regularly
handled high profile criminal cases in the DC area and travelled abroad to
speak to law schools. Since 2012, Chris and his colleagues have lectured
on criminal defence throughout Virginia, and in Scotland, Ireland,
Trinidad, The Bahamas, and Jamaica. Chris’ new novel, Almost Mortal, is due
to be released by Koehler Books by mid-2016.
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