Book Blurb

Right or Almost Right is based on John Haremza’s 25 years of success in network marketing. It’s John’s answer to the questions so many ask such as, “Where’s the money? Why am I not seeing the success I expected?” As John says, “I meet so many intelligent, hard-working, dedicated network marketers who are struggling. They are not seeing the results they expected, and they always as, “Why?”
John believes that the small subtleties of how the network marketing business is done make the big difference between making a little money versus making a lot of money, between success and struggling. He addresses many of the basics of doing “the business,” from prospecting to leading your organization, and points out what is “right” as compared to what is “almost right.”
John has lived every example contained in his book. “Network marketing changed my life beyond my wildest imagination,” says John. His story is amazing, from living in a trailer park to a well-known network marketing leader. And his story can help you to make your dreams come true too!
Book Trailer
My thoughts
Network Marketing is the business of the 21st century. Personally speaking Network Marketing is the best thing that has happened to me. It took me out of my comfort zone and the advantage of moving out of your comfort zone means you expand your boundaries and explore the unknown under the guidance of experienced leaders. It will give you all the weapons to hunt down your inner fear and paves a path for personal development.
All you need to do is to be lucky enough to be approached by an ethical Network Marketer and when you have the opportunity never let it down.
When I started Network Marketing during my engineering days I always confronted with what is Right and what is almost right. Thanks to my mentors Ankit Sir, Rishi Sir and Samresh Sir who gave deep insights about what is right and how you should approach a prospect. They have always said it “Remember Kishan, your down lines are your lifelines”. Find the “Why?”, Why did you sign up for the business and your why will change everything and how eventually follows.
Right or Almost All Right isn’t just the name of the book. It is what a Network Marketer does face every single day.
The first paragraph of 52nd page will describe you what the nature of business is and how Network Marketing gives you an upper hand over everything else. It will change the way you think Network Marketing works, which will be the first step for a glorious future ahead.
“Mouth to mouth publicity” is the respiratory system of Network Marketing which helps it grow and thrive to be the business of the 21st century.
The book is an ultimate page turner and pages seem to turn by themself. So, when you reach the 60th page its gives the most perfect concept about who will work with you and make your business spectacular and who won’t.
Remember “People buy because of emotional reasons and not because of logical
This book is like good wine which tastes better and better as it grows old with every page.
The quotes in the book are incredible and the 68th and 69th page will send a thrill running through your spines as if you are riding a roller coaster, if you follow and implement what the author says.
I really have to compliment the idea and I have to say, “It is a great piece of idea that will keep you away from negativity and failures.”
In Network Marketing,
“The smallest of action is
Better than the noblest of intensions.”
It applies to all form of situations and circumstances, but Network Marketing is in debt of the idea.
I loved this quote which is,
“I was a Triple Diamond the day I signed up. It just took a while for the paperwork to catch up.”
That’s attitude of a person with winning mind-set. It is the emotion behind the motivation.
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it will achieve. You wouldn’t have had thought if you were not capable of its accomplishment.”
101th page says a lot about why you aren’t getting enough responses and feeds with the ideas about how you can make the most of your time that you invest in Network Marketing.
“When you meet people, you’re buying or selling. You are buying their story or selling your story”
In the final pages of the book you it just says what it feels like when you don’t do what you really wanted to do.
You will find this written on the grave stone of every distributor who failed:
“If only…”
If you don’t want that to happen, remember these three words
“I am responsible.”
Always remember “A bad day when following your dreams is better than a good day at work.”
One of the ideas that I learnt in Network Marketing is
“Accept no one’s definition of your life.” And
“Never ever, never ever and never pre-judge your prospect”
Author Interview
What was your inspiration behind the book?
I meet so many dedicated, sincere, hardworking distributors who are not seeing the results they expected and they all ask “Why? Why am I not seeing the results I hear so much about”? Those questions inspired me to get my thoughts down on paper.
What did you learn in the process of writing your book?
The book was actually a very good reminder to me of so many things I do automatically without thinking. I wanted to get them into a book to help others.
What advice would you give to someone just starting?
Your company will have a system that has worked for their distributors. Follow that system as carefully as you can. Do not reinvent the wheel.
Mindset ties into everything. It affects all we do. I could get into great detail but it’s as simple as, “If you think you can, then you can”. Ask yourself constantly, What am I thinking about?”
If you were to sum up your advice in 3 words what would they be?
Those 3 words are ….. consistency ….. focus …… faith.
Consistency: If you are not consistent you are starting over all the time.
Focus: So many times life or our inability to resist that next hot deal get us off focus. To be a success you must stay focused.
Faith: Without faith you will never have the persistence to keep on keeping on.
If you asked for a fourth it would be belief. Always remember that people buy people. It’s your belief that will shine through.
About the Author
John Haremza is a network-marketing veteran with 25 years in the business and earnings in excess of $14 million. He has averaged over $1 million a year for the last 10 years. But his all-time proudest accomplishment has been leading his people to earnings of over $250 million and changing countless lives.
John’s story is a true American rags-to-riches tale, with his journey going from the humblest of beginnings in Perham, Minnesota, to a world-class network marketing leader. His message is simple:
“If I can do it with my challenges and background, then you can do it.” He is living proof that you can be successful in this business regardless of your education, background or finances. John has an uncanny ability to communicate the fundamentals, philosophies and principles of success so that they’re easy to understand and implement. He has been referred to by many of his peers as the “Jim Rohn of network marketing.”
Prior to being introduced to network marketing, John worked as a maintenance manager in a small potato chip factory. He had never sold anything in his life, and had no business experience. He also had dyslexia, a severe learning disability. Back then, he had one objective—to be invisible. He felt fortunate to get a
high school diploma. Now, John has been featured in multiple publications, such as
Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective Networkers, Network
Marketing Times and Your Business at Home Magazine (on the cover). He has also been named one of the top twenty-one marketing leaders in the world in John Milton Fogg’s recent book, The Greatest Networkers in the World. John’s leadership has transformed countless lives. He has friends and business associates around the world, and his wisdom will help you to make your dream a reality. Network marketing is an amazing industry with wonderful products, and incredible
As John says, “Network marketing changed my life in ways that were far beyond my imagination.”
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